Extra Credit Projects for Health Class

Here are some great ideas on things to do when you have nothing to do. It's fun, and you will get extra credit in Health. You may even learn something. You may do these activities by yourself or in a group, as long as everyone contributes. It must be done in your free time, not during class. Use your imagination!
1. Interview your friends and family and make a list of their favorite foods. Find out why they like these foods.
2. Draw a magazine advertisement for something to eat. It could be a nutritious or a junk food.
3. Invent a whole new food. It could be a combination of two foods. Invent a name for this food. Design a wrapper or package for it.
4. Imagine you are a candy bar sitting on a shelf waiting to be chosen.
5. Ask your friends and family their opinions of a certain food or food group. Make a chart about this.
6. Imagine a food that comes to life. Draw a cartoon or make a comic book to show a day in this life.
7. Predict a food of the future, and think of a name. Design the wrapper or package for it.
8. Decide on a food that you would like to see sold in the school cafeteria during lunch time. List reasons for your decision. 
Remember. There are no right or wrong answers to these questions. Just use your BRAIN POWER!


Last Updated: 8/5/11